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Science Technology
Registered Charity No 1075342
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Started in September 2007 by the founder, Roger Chambers, Science and Technology has become the largest Purbeck U3A group by far with well over a hundred members, perhaps indicating that the older generation are very much aware of the massive advances in the field of technology over their lifetime and that they wish to keep up with that progress in the future.
Presentations, given by guest speakers or group members, are given monthly on the third Wednesday of the month and last for two hours, including a 20 minute refreshment break at the start.
From time to time, generally in the summer, the group visits local places of scientific or technological interest.
To join us, you are expected to be a member of Purbeck U3A and may be required to show your membership card and number on entering.
Guests are, however, welcome to our indoor meetings for one trial visit, after which they should apply for membership of the group.
See our Joining page for details.

Images from some of our presentations

NB: Pages are frequently updated - please refresh your browser when revisiting each page
Corfe Common 01.JPG
Click picture to enlarge
The Summer Visit 2016 to
Corfe Common
Photos: John Hale & David Harris
The Summer Visit 2014 to
Higher Hyde Heath Nature Reserve
Click picture to enlarge
Photos: David Harris & John Hale

This website is © Copyright Purbeck U3A Science & Technology and John Hale (Website Designer).
Content may only be used by prior permission.

Site updated: 19 July 2024

Summer Visit 2019
Please click pictures to enlarge
Summer Visit 2013
Photos: John Hale
Current World Population:
For Sir David Attenborough’s View
on World Population Click
For Meeting details see HERE and HERE!
Next Hall Meeting: Wednesday 18th September 2024
Doors Open at 09:45 for Presentation at 10:20 am
Summer Visit 2021 to
Stoborough Heath
with Jim White
Photos: John Hale
Click or Tap HERE for Directions to Venue and Hall Details
With Refreshments from 09:50 until 10:20

Please Click HERE for Details of the Next Meetings

- ALL Meetings AT - 
Harman’s Cross Village Hall
Please note: There will be no Hall meeting in August
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